Tuesday, July 16, 2013


New Delhi: The 3rd  Meeting of the Supervisory Committee was held on 15th  July, 2013 under the chairmanship of Shri Alok Rawat, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources at New Delhi.

At the outset, Secretary, M/o Water Resources and the Chairman of the Committee welcomed the Members and other participants.

Chairman, CWC in his opening remarks cited the present rainfall position and good monsoon situation and mentioned that the data on inflows and reservoirs in states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu indicated a better situation as compared to corresponding situation last year, as also the position prevailing at the time of 2nd Supervisory Committee meeting held on 12th June 2013.

A presentation was made thereafter by Central Water Commission and discussions were held on agenda items as under:-
The inputs of Members on the earlier proceedings of the Committee
Member Secretary informed that Government of Tamil Nadu has furnished Para wise comments on the comments dated 9/6/2013 of Govt of Karnataka on Agenda of first meeting of the Committee and also on proceeding of the second meeting of the Committee. Govt. of Puducherry has also furnished comments on the proceeding of the second meeting of the Committee. Besides, Govt of Kerala has furnished comments on the proceeding of the first meeting of the Committee held on 1/6/2013. No Comments from Govt. of Karnataka on the proceedings of second meeting have been received.

The observations on the comments of Government of Karnataka on the agenda of the first meeting of the committee by Government of Tamil Nadu were also discussed. Most of the items pertained to the notification of the committee and interpretation of various provisions of the award. This pro-tem committee is mandated with the role of implementation of the final award and not to interpretations of various provisions of award.

As regards to identification of a given water year as normal/distress, both  Government of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu gave their views. Keeping in view that so far this water year is normal as indicated by the inflows into the Karnataka reservoirs which are higher than the normal inflows and observed flow at Biligundulu  is also higher than the flows expected as per award, it was therefore felt that the issue of distress/normal water year  could be taken up subsequently as and when the eventuality arises.

Rules of Business of Supervisory Committee
The Govt. of Tamil Nadu has stated that there is no mention of approval of Rules of Business in the proceeding of the 2nd meeting of the Committee. Therefore, it has suggested modification in the Para 2.1 of the proceeding of the 2nd meeting to include the word “approval” under this item. The suggestion was agreed to by all parties and it is to confirm that the modified rules of business as appended at Annexure 2.1 M with the proceeding of the 2nd meeting are to be treated as approved rules of business of Supervisory Committee.
On the suggestions of Government of Puducherry regarding representative rainfall for their region, it was clarified that the rainfall data as available on IMD web site has been mentioned in the proceedings and that the data as such has not been used for estimation of flows.
Data Observation Location
In addition to the Data Observation Location listed under para 8.1 of the proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the Committee, state of Karnataka has earlier suggested  to include Banasursagara reservoir in Kerala, Emerald, Upper Bhavani,  and Lower Bhawani reservoir in Tamil Nadu and one G&D site on Kabini at Kerala- Karnataka border. State of Tamilnadu is of the view that Banasursagara reservoir in Kerala and Lower Bhawani reservoir in Tamil Nadu only should be included as additional observation point. Govt of Pudduchery has no objection to the request of Govt of Karnataka.

The issue of identification of additional data locations which remained inconclusive during the 1st and 2nd meeting were again discussed. It was unanimously agreed upon by all member states that the data observation stations as indicated in Clause VIII of the order dated 05.02.2007 and Para (iv) under  Guidelines for Cauvery Management Board in Chapter 8 Volume V of CWDT report may be treated as data observation locations for monitoring the implementation of award by the Committee.

Government of Puducherry mentioned that the existing discharge observation stations are located at approximately 10 km from Karaikal border  and the same need to  be relocated in or around Karaikal region so that it is clear that whether that the water reaching at Karaikal is as per award. After discussions it was agreed upon that such locations as may be identified by Pudducherry will be shared with Government of Tamilnadu, for their views on the same. Government of Kerela and Karnataka do not have any views on this aspect.

Format submission of data
State of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu agreed to continue sending the data as per CMC format.

At present the observed data at Billigundullu site at 8.00 am is being used by   for estimating the flows passing through the site vis-a-vis quantum prescribed in Clause IX of Final order of CWDT. Govt of Tamilnadu has requested for making available average daily flow estimated at  Billigundullu site on daily basis. After discussion, the Committee decided to adopt average daily flow estimated at  Billigundullu site for estimating the flows passing through the site vis-a-vis quantum prescribed in Clause IX of  Final order of CWDT. The data on average flow at Billigundulu will be shared by CWC with all the states.

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