Monday, July 15, 2013


Gay, a triple world gold medallist in 2007, admitted that a urine sample he had provided in an out-of-competition drug test on May 16 had returned a positive result and that he was -pulling out of next month's World Championships in Moscow.
Just weeks before the start of the World Championships in Moscow, athletics was engulfed in a spiralling drug crisis last night (Sunday) after it was disclosed that American Tyson Gay and Jamaica's Asafa Powell, respectively the -fastest and third-fastest men in the world this year, had both tested positive for banned substances.

Gay, a triple world gold medallist in 2007, admitted that a urine sample he had provided in an out-of-competition drug test on May 16 had returned a positive result and that he was -pulling out of next month's World Championships in Moscow.

According to the Associated Press news agency, the Florida-based sprinter fought back tears as he confessed to the failed drug test in a phone conversation from Amsterdam. "I don't have a sabotage story," he said. "I basically put my trust in someone and was let down."

In a separate case, Powell, the former 100?metres world record-holder, also admitted that he tested positive at last month's Jamaican trials, though he insisted that he had not cheated knowingly and was "reeling" from the news.

In a statement, the Jamaican said: "I will confirm that a sample I gave at the national trials in June earlier this year has returned 'adverse findings'.

"The substance oxilofrine [methylsynephrine] was found, which is considered by the authorities to be a banned stimulant. I want to be clear in saying to my family, friends, and most of all my fans worldwide that I have never knowingly or wilfully taken any supplements or substances that break any rules.

"I am not now - nor have I ever been - a cheat. My team has launched an internal investigation and we are cooperating with the relevant agencies and law enforcement authorities to discover how the substance got in my system."

Fellow Jamaican Sherone Simpson, a silver medallist in the women's 4x100m relay at the 2012 London Olympics, also tested positive at the trials for the same substance as Powell, while there were unconfirmed media reports in Jamaica that a further two unnamed Jamaicans had returned adverse findings.

It is understood that the banned substance may have been in a dietary supplement handed out to athletes belonging to the MVP track club in Kingston - a rival training stable to Usain Bolt's Racers club.

Powell and Simpson are both MVP members. Bolt's agent, Ricky Simms, confirmed last night that the triple Olympic champion had nothing to do with the latest drug cases.

Gay, the American record-holder, had been in his best form in years this season with the three fastest 100m times in the world - an improvement he had attributed to being finally free of injury problems following surgery on a hip problem in 2011.

The revelations on Sunday suggest a more sinister explanation. The American refused to reveal the substance for which he had tested positive but confirmed that his 'A' urine sample had recorded an adverse finding and that he would now be asking for his 'B' sample to be analysed.

Technically, he is not guilty of a doping offence until the process is complete, but Gay is clearly resigned to his fate after admitting that he would not be competing in Friday's Diamond League meeting in Monaco or on the world stage in Moscow. Rarely does a 'B' test contradict an 'A' test.

"I made a mistake, he said. "I'm pulling out of Monaco and the World Championships." Gay added that he had informed team-mates, friends and family about the positive test, including his mother and daughter.
"They already know it is some type of accident. I don't want to use certain words, to make it seem like an accident, because I know exactly what went on, but I can't discuss it right now.

"My career and my name have always been better than medals or records or anything like that. I've always wanted a clean name with anything. Unfortunately, I have to break this news, that I have a positive 'A' sample."

Gay declined to go into details about the circumstances of the failed test but said he planned to give a full explanation to the United States Anti-Doping Agency. "I have to go over everything with Usada first.

I will take whatever punishment I get like a man. I do realise and respect what I put in my body, and it is my responsibility. I'm going to be honest with Usada, about everything, everybody I've been with, every supplement I've ever taken, every company I've ever dealt with, everything."

Gay, whose American record of 9.69sec makes him the second fastest sprinter of all time, had previously taken part in a Usada campaign promoting drug-free sport. In a testimonial on the Usada website, Gay said: "I compete clean because I really believe in fairness, and besides that, my mom would kill me! Just being honest."

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