Wednesday, July 10, 2013


If your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can lead to developmental defects or weight gain or loss. The food we eat is our medicine, so consuming the proper foods will help support your thyroid to ensure it remains in tip top shape.
Drink the following juice once a day to cleanse and improve of your thyroid, all you need is:
- 1 cucumber
- 5 stalks celery
- 5 carrots
- 1 cup tender coconut water
- 1 lemon

Carrots are packed with beta-carotene which is the precursor for vitamin A in the body. A deficiency of vitamin A can limit your ability to produce thyroid stimulating hormone.
B-complex vitamins are required for good thyroid function. Cucumbers contain B vitamins, so they are a good choice when trying to nourish the thyroid glands.

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