Wednesday, July 3, 2013


:: The Concepts of ~ Satyam- Shivam- Sundaram ~ ::

Today is the Birth Anniversary of this great Son of Bhaarata .. Prof Hiriyanna The writings of Prof Hiriyanna on Indian philosophy, Culture & Samskr.ta; are a fruition of his Jnaana trishaa and Tapas! Just as Maharshi Valmiki, KaliDasa, Bhasa, BhavaBhuti and others are remembered for their literary opuses, Prof Hiriyanna is remembered to this day, by Academicians the world over , as a sterling writer on Indian Philosophy and culture . Through his works, he has made the Pandita and the Paamara alike, enter the portals of JEEVANMUKTI.. In his unique, simple style, he has highlighted the features of each stream of Indian Philosophy so lucidly. His disciplined lifestyle, ethics, integrity.. are all reflected in these tomes. His scholarship is reflected in his deep research, analytical ability, memory, which are seen in the internationally acclaimed writings which are listed below.

His concern, affection and respect for his readers is to be especially noted. His writings display his talent for anticipating any doubts his readers may have, and addressing the solutions to the same. His solutions and writings instill love, respect and admiration amongst his readers, even today...



Prof Hiriyanna's intro to this masterpiece has earned him the undying admiration of the scholarly universe; as also the work, for its purity, clarity, simplicity &authenticity. In his own words: "This book has been published, keeping in mind it's utility as a text book for colleges which teach Indian Philosophy; since it is based on the lectures given over many years , at Mysore University. It is equally valuable, at the same time, to those who wish to learn about the solutions given by Indians, to the Universal Philosophical conundrums.

This book delineates the time & growth of the early & latter Vedic eras, as well as other streams of philosophy like Saankhya, Yoga, Jaina, Bouddha .The Universal quest for the meaning of life and existence, God, the soul, Brahman ; the essence of life and the world; the diff kinds of Pramaana, Prame'ya , their classification acc. To the Upanishads, BhagavadGita, Jaina-Bouddha-Chaarvaaka philosophies, Nyaaya-Vaisheshika Darshanas.. All these are explained in a Shaastric way, academically clarified and illuminating. Wherever req., a mention is made, of ancient as well as modern Sanskrit texts,to explain philosophical issues.

His unique way of explaining the special features of each stream of Indian philosophy; the contribution of Indian philosophies to Universal well-being; the Western perspective of Philosophy, .. All these are easily assimilated by a layman even!


This book provides a concise, connected account of Indian philosophy, and interpretation and criticism are provided within the 200 pages of the volume. An introductory chapter summarizes Vedic religion & Philosophy.....then Hindu thought is considered in chapters dealing respectively with the early post- Vedic period and the age of the systems. A brief historical survey accompanies each of the subjects, with an exposition of its theory of knowledge, ontology and practical teaching. To quote Prof Hiriyanna , " a simpler and shorter account of the subject is req for the general reader , and the present attempt is to meet that requirement. It will be seen that no portion of the earlier volume has been verbally reproduced here...In the earlier book, Buddhism was dealt with , referring to 2 stages of it's growth.( Here) There is a 3rd phase, representing the Doctrine, as it was taught by The Buddha, and a brief résumé' of it , also finds a place here. Similarly, the account of the Vedanta has been amplified by the inclusion of the Dvaita system of it.


This is a collection of unique writings addressing the issues of * The search for Perfection* The Ultimate goal of Indian Philosophy being not just the awareness, knowledge of AATMASHAANTI, but the experience of it.

It is the presence within Him, of this IDEAL OF PERFECTION, that makes Man a spiritual being. Prof Hiriyanna then proceeds to compare the parameters of Beauty, Truth and Goodness ( Sundaram, Satyam, Shivam) , the eternal values , to define the Ideal end, MOKSHA. He says they cannot lead to JEEVANMUKTI individually, owing to the transient nature of theSpiritual bliss experienced; in other words, the IDEAL is not a mere combination of the three values, but represents a CREATIVE SYNTHESIS of them, by which they are fused and welded into a new unity. It may consequently be said not only to include, but also be able to transcend them!THIS NEW IDEAL IS , TO CHARACTERISE IT IN BRIEF, A STATE OF ABSOLUTE UNSELFISHNESS AND OF SPONTANEOUS JOY THAT MANIFESTS ITSELF ALWAYS- WHETHER ONE IS ENGAGED IN OUTWARD ACTION OR INWARD CONTEMPLATION.

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